Unity in Diversity Day 2023



One of my favorite days of the year has to be UN day or now known as “ unity in diversity day”. A school event which has been in place since I started OSC in preschool, where students have the chance to represent their culture, an accumulation of culture and the immense diversity packed within our school community. This year was my first Unity in diversity day for 2 years as last year I missed it, so I wasn’t going to miss it again. We had the flag parade where we gathered in the basketball court and made our way over to the gym representing out host countries. After this came the UN day assembly, the highlight was the teacher dance which has always been the case. Another surprise was that Mr. Grandbois chose a new story to read which may be in line with the new name for “ UN day”.

The main difference this year was the workshops we were tasked to run. In alignment with this year’s SDG , 16 ( big cooperations)were divided into groups and ran workshops on this SDG with primary and high schools. Zoe, Nayara and I ran ours with grade 12 where we ran a debate on the legitimacy of the UN, which could be made into its own separate write up. It was a very rewarding experience, and something new to me which I was glad to explore.

The best part of the day came after this, the food and it didnt disappoint. The canteen is filled with chatter, smiles and music. As it goes every year at least for me, the Sri Lankan stall was beautifully laid out with every snack you could think of. Of course the other stalls were amazing but for me the Sri Lankan one is a personal favorite. After eating we played football, relaxed before heading back to the workshops. Before the break, a day like this was much appreciated. Overall I really enjoyed the new feel to “ Unity in Diversity Day ” and I can’t wait for it to happen again next year 🙂

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