The Lunchtime Performances

Picture from duet with Adam , performing ” Golden Hour” by JVKE

Being in the arts program, I am constantly given opportunities to perform and showcase progress within the field. A new addition to this has been weekly performances every Thursday which are used to increase my repertoire and improve my performance skills. It is an amazing opportunity to develop important performing skills as well as building on creativity and goals within this aspect of CAS. 


Picture from Solo Performance of ” From the Start ” by Laufey




I try to perform pieces from varying genres, to widen my range of repertoire and develop my creativity. This week I did 2 performances, a solo and a duet. Adam and I unintentionally created a “ duo” within music so we frequently perform together. This week we did “ golden hour ” by JVKE. I usually wouldn’t sing this type of song as I prefer RNB but it was a good opportunity to step outside my comfort zone. I also performed a very different piece as a solo, “ From the start ” by Laufey . It has some jazz and RnB undertones but shifts towards the pop side of the spectrum. My favorite part of these performers is the energy and casual feel of it. It’s a place to practice unfamiliar genres and styles to an actual audience which is a priceless experience. It also really helps me develop my creativity as I feel more motivated to show off a variety of styles to the audience members, as well as potentially create my own songs. Mr. Kim records all of the performances so I can reflect on each piece and highlights areas for improvement. I look forward to seeing how this program develops, and so far I really enjoy this opportunity to showcase creativity.

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