CAS GOALS – 2023

Creativity : 

For creativity over the course of the next 2 years, I aim to be involved in various aspects of the topic. More specifically the arts such as musicals ( little shop of horrors), gala concerts and theater groups outside of school such as the workshop players. MY main focus within creativity will be within music and acting, as I have the most opportunities and experience within those 2 areas. There are also numerous creative outlets inside and outside of school, allowing me to have specific projects to focus on ensuring I stay creative throughout the whole year.

On average, I want to be involved in at least 1-2 creative projects every semester of school. Whether that be a production, gala concert, or an outside of school event. On an hours basis, around 60 hours per semester would be realistic for a production, and less if it was a concert as those are less time intensive. I would measure this through hours and engagement levels ( CAS reflections), to have a source of accountability when recording what  I actually achieved. 

While my creative endeavors will be in a similar field, I still want them to be diverse in the media I explore, learning objectives I meet and skills I develop. Hence why one of my main goals is variety in creative expression to ensure I get something out of each task I take on. I also want to develop as a music vain and as an actor by consistently engaging with this CAS aspect.  Ultimately my main goal over the next 2 years is to develop within the field of creativity in regards to acting and music. Furthermore, measuring my progress as an artist by reflecting on each task within my CAS blog.



My main area for action will be SAISA within school as well as other off campus activities ( ie. Workouts etc). I want to be involved in at least 2 SAISA’s in one school year, to ensure I stay active throughout DP. As well as this, to maintain good mental health and boost my product by engaging with action.

Give and take one SAISA season will take around 60 hours, and I will measure this through my CAS reflections. To ensure I make progress within each field, and that I actually gain something from “action”, I want to focus on leadership and self management as 2 skills to develop through action. 

I want to achieve and maintain an active and balanced lifestyle to make sure I stay focused and on top of work throughout the year. I will achieve this by engaging in minimum 2 SAISA seasons in a calendar year, as well as documenting any outside of school activity I take part in so I can be accountable for it. The scope for this will be over the next 2 years, and I want to stay relevant to my chosen skills so I can effectively track progress through reflections on my blog.Ultimately, my main goal over the next 2 years is  to maintain a healthy lifestyle by constantly engaging with the aspect of action. 


I want to consistently improve the quality of service that my group SOS provides the community with over the next 2 years. As a service leader, I hold a high level responsibility within  my group for planning and tracking progress. I want to ensure that my service instructions are actually having a measurable impact on the children from SOS by creating things such as lesson plans for effective English learning.

This will be easily measurable through things such as the kids’ engagement in each lesson, their gradual progression within English as well as their happiness during each session, as they should all grow steadily if our service is having a noticeable impact. I will track this through these factors, as well as my own self reflections on milestone moments within our service to measure the progress being made. 

Service is an extremely relevant and important field to everyone as we have to give back to our community. My service group SOS village is one that not only teaches English to underprivileged children, but also provides them with the skills to eventually be successful in a changing world. Hence why I want to make a noticeable change within these kids’ lives through the service aspect of CAS. Ultimately my main goal is to stay engaged with this aspect of CAS to ensure these children have noticeable development with communication skills, and that they have fun in general during service hours.

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