Amy’s CAS Journey

My extra-curricular activities at OSC

From being coached to being a coach!

I was recently asked to help support the primary Swimming activity, every Wednesday after school. Each week Chiran and I work with a small group of kids in the advanced swimming group. We help run the session, telling them the sets to do, and pointing out what to improve on,  overall helping them with their style and technique. At the moment Coach Shaki helps us out by planning the session ahead of time, so we just use it to guide the swimmers.  We have been discussing that in the future we could plan the sessions and run them by ourselves. Which could be a CAS project we could elaborate on later! 

Most of the time each session starts with a warm-up of 100m-200m, followed by a set of drills depending on the day and the stork we focus on, ending with a relay and or cool down. The kids we work with love the relays and look forward to racing each other by the end of the session. The kids are very strong swimmers and are improving their technique each session. I would love to time their races so we can track their improvements a little easier. Soon they will have TISSL to attend, so as that approaches I am sure we will do more racing-focused sessions for them.

(Cover photo credits: Ian Lockwood)

alockwood25 • October 13, 2024

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