Amy’s CAS Journey

My extra-curricular activities at OSC

Starting Art Club: My Goals + Progress

Goals for this quarter:

For the second quarter I’ve signed up for art club to keep up with doing art outside of my assignments for school. I plan to use the session every week to focus on exploring art techniques I’ve never done before or practice on ones I like but don’t have a lot of experience with. Last year I used my art club sessions to do a lot of pottery, which I loved but it was more of an experimental quarter than really getting anywhere with my skills (especially for throwing clay on the wheel). This quarter I want to work on improving throwing clay and using the wheel, possibly making a simple bowl or cup. Another goal I have is to experiment with using watercolor and fine line pen. At the start of the year I made this doodle(not fully finished), shown below.

My Sketchbook (Photo Credits: Me)

I started off with using watercolor and making little blobs, then lining them and making shapes with a fine line pen. I really like the start of this and overall using these two media, so I think it would be cool to explore them more. Lastly, I want to also dive into collages. In our last unit for art we had to make a collage and I really liked looking through magazines for photos and then using them together to make a whole new image. 


(Update coming soon for my progress😀👍)

alockwood25 • November 14, 2023

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