This CAS experience was supported by a free block during first period on a Monday. We were encouraged to do something that related to either creativity, activity or service during the allocated hour and a half. I decided that, due to it being a Monday morning, I would need an energy boost in order to refresh myself. It only seemed right for me to get on my bike and cruise around Colombo for 40 minutes. I decided to only bike for 40 minutes as I knew that if I biked for any longer, I would not have enough time to shower, eat something, and get ready for the next class.
LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
I showed commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences as, after this initial morning bike ride, I started to bike in the morning everyday in order to commit towards a healthier lifestyle. I wake up at around 6:00AM every morning, have a light breakfast and either bike or go to the nearest basketball court in order to get an additional workout outside of my daily afternoon workouts. I’ve never had a good track record of working out in the mornings so implementing this into my daily routine was a struggle to say the least. This shows that, when I have a goal set for myself, I commit to it and persevere through adversity in order to reach that goal.