Around the time of January 2020, my first service group which I attributed to was RCCI, which aims in helping to rehabilitate the communicational impaired. This service was one which I found to be very special, as not only was it my first service but also a service which thought me many important aspects of what it means to be a service. A key attribute it thought me was to enjoy the process, instead of being fixated on the final outcome. This is just one example of the many important ideas which I took from my old service and developed in my new service (housing and habitat) allowing me to “show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences”. As we are slowly beginning to make the move back into physical school and begin service in full action there is a lot of catching up which we aim to do to make up for the lack of on hand experience. For future projections H and H as a service group, aims to start physically building equipment such as tables, chairs and book holders instead of the continuous fund raisers we did in the last year or so. The reasoning for this change is to reconnect to the physical connection of what our service aims to do.