July 5th to August 4th – Summer Break Rides

During summer break one of the main activities I did was cycling around Colombo and to the gym. As part of my CAS goal, to stay active I would often do rides which were a total of 17km (both ways) to a local gym. Once I got there I would do regular workouts for around one hour then again bike back home. I found that cycling in the open was refreshing, rather than being trapped in my house all the time. Every once in a while I would also cycle for extra distances going down random roads next to my area as I live next to a lot of fields. However with everything said, at times I did find myself very hesitant to go for rides when I was comfortable and lazy. In cases such as this, perseverance to the CAS goal proved key in making sure I continuously did these types of activities.

During this time Sri Lanka was going through an economic crisis, where fuel was in short supply. Ironically for cyclist this problem was actually very relaxing where cycling on main roads within Colombo was a breeze. As a result I found the roads to be exhilarating to bike on where I would ride as fast as possible. Overall I enjoyed my summer rides and found it a good way to keep active during my break.


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