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Maldive Science Trip


The  maldives trip, last month after SAISA football, My ESS class (execpt Zach that couldn’t come), some of the BIO class (Miss Harrison, Ethan and Yoosuf) and me travelled to maldives to learn more about the formation of Island, the restoration of Corals and the eco-friendly developement of a resort.

Day 1:

The first day we arrived at Velana International Airport, Maldives’s airport. We then took a boat during almost 2 hours to go to our guest house in the Baa Atoll. Most of the people slept during this boat ride expect for me (it was really long). After arriving at our island, we went straight to our rooms, I slept with Chirath, We prapered for the afternoon because we went ,after the beautiful lunch, to another island to look at the mangrove that was there. After we visited the island we took the boaty back to our main Island and on the way back to the guest house, in the port we saw some rays, they was beautiful an,d it was the first time i was able to touch them (the best feeling ever). Then we came back and eat the dinner (all the food was realllllyyy good)  and then we slept.

Miss Harrison’s photo


Miss Harrson’s photo


Miss Harrison’s photojj









Day 2:

  • Woke up early in the morning, i felt good and ready for the day
  • Snorkeling in the morning and we learn about coral restoration with Mister Sandi. it was really cool and we learnt a lot on his technique for restoration.
  • Went back to the guest-house for the lunch, it was really good as usual.
  • The afternoon, we went to Soneva Resort to learn about how do they recycle their wastes, we also learned about Corals and how they are restoring the coral and the reef around their ilsand.
  • After that we went back to the guest house and to take the dinner and go to sleep.



Miss Harrison photo



Day 3:

The third of our maldive trip we took the boat to do snorkeling next to a reef close to our island. We saw there a lot of fish like Daulphins, a ray, turtles and a lot of differejnt species of fish, we stayed there 3 hours. After this we went back to Fulhadoo island ou rmain island to get the lunch and a little break. We then prepared to go to visit an abandon island.


Day 4:

On the fourth day, we woke up the morning and took the boat to go snurkling, the morning I saw a ray that has white dog on its back, we also see daulphins (which is pretty rare) and a lot of different type of fishes. When we got back to the hotel have lunch and the afternoon we spent time on our hotel island, we played football and volleyball with the locals and finally went back to the hotel.






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