Home Workouts

In order to try and stay in shape during the quarantine, I have been completing at least a thirty-minute home workout every other day after school.  This was a new challenge for me, as I was unaccustomed to keeping to this type of routine. Therefore, I decided to ease myself into it slowly. At home, I have a few workout machines, including a treadmill and a StairMaster. These two machines are used in my regular routines, but I additionally follow floor workout routines from YouTube by fitness trainer, Sami Clarke.

To begin my workouts, I do a five-minute run on the treadmill and then do some stretches. For my arms, I do  bicep and triceps, and then shoulder rotator stretches, holding each for about 15 seconds. Then for my legs, I do hamstring, adductor, and quadriceps.  Once I’m done stretching, to get my heart rate back up, I do twenty jumping jacks and ten burpees. Once completed, I begin watching a YouTube video for my floor workouts. The main part of my body I prefer to focus on is my upper half, so today I followed a workout for my core/abs, followed by an arm/bicep workout. The videos I watched were Sami Clarke’s “6 Minute Ab Crusher” and “15 Minute Toned Arms”

Once I’ve completed this, I take a short, 6-minute water break before moving onto my cool down. For the cool down, I walk for three minutes on the treadmill, and then complete another sequence of stretches. These stretches include:
•    Neck
•    Shoulder
•    Biceps
•    Triceps
•    Chest
•    Wrists

•    Standing hamstring
•    Quadriceps
•    Standing calf
•    Hip flexor
•    Hip adductor
•    Double knee to chest

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth- Students are able to see themselves as individuals with various abilities and skills, of which some are more developed than others.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process- A new challenge may be an unfamiliar experience or an extension of an existing one. The newly acquired or developed skills may be shown through experiences that the student has not previously undertaken or through increased expertise in an established area.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience- Students can articulate the stages from conceiving an idea to executing a plan for a CAS experience or series of CAS experiences. This may be accomplished in collaboration with other participants. Students may show their knowledge and awareness by building on a previous experience, or by launching a new idea or process.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences- Students demonstrate regular involvement and active engagement in CAS.

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