
The Overseas School of Colombo runs an innovative program in reflective learning that supports student engagement, authentic learning and a deep engagement in this program of experiential learning. All OSC DP students keep track of their goal-setting and progress in the Creativity Activity & Service (CAS) program using online blogs that are available through campuspress.com (the management of their blogs, listing experiences, learning outcomes, supervisors and time commitments is accomplished on Managebac).

The idea of the blog-based reflective space is for students to chart their growth and progress in each of the three CAS (Creativity-Activity- Service) strands as they navigate the Diploma Program. Students are encouraged to use pictures, videos and links to make these visually stimulating records of their CAS experience. The reflections connect back to the seven CAS learning outcomes (see attached OSC CAS Handbook for details) that are at the core of their CAS experience. The blogs are publicly available and are also used to share evidence of extra-curricular participation for university applications.

OSC’s CAS program is coordinated by Ian Lockwood.