I engaged in a lot of creative experiences, including Reading buddies with pre School Kids, Internship at King’s Hopsital, and being part of the Student Government Association (SGA). Along with that, I also participaited in various events with my classmates, especially UN day which allowed me to present my Indian culture and talk about UN goals with middle schoolers.
I did start off with a few inititiatives like swimming every weekened, and playing cricket after school. I even practiced for SAISA badminton. But perhaps getting some activity became a task against the time in DP 2, and that’s why it was the weakest aspect of my CAS experience.
I had a strong hold on my service actvities, during which I participated in 2 service experiences. Firstly, it was the Recycling Service in DP 1 in which we collected recycling paper around the school. And then, in DP 2, I was part of Hope for Kids service wherein we focused on bed linen donations, fundraisers like Cricket match for cancer kids in Maharagama Cancer care home.
In conclusion, it was a lot of work to cope up with CAS experiences. But, it allowed me to develop my skills, whether it be in taking initiatives to help the world or improve my personal character like my communication skills.
learning outcomes
LO1 and LO2 Strength and Growth – Throughout the CAS experrience, I have excelled in developing various characters. Whether it be taking an initiative to plan events during my CAS project, or developing communication skills via Reading buddies and MUN experience.
LO3 and LO4 Cas Experience – I have commited to many CAS experiences overtime, which have lasted for months. This has been evident in my appraoch during SAISA badminton season, and during my work experience at King’s Hopsital.
LO5 Collaboration – Throughout the experience, I have worked in teams during my service experience and collaborated with my service mates during Recycling and Hope for Kids Service to implement actions.