Vansh's CAS Journey

My extra-curricular activities at OSC

Vansh’s SGA – Student Government Assocation

This year I have been elected as a grade representative for DP 2 in SGA (Student Government Association). Being a part of SGA, our role is to plan, collaborate and maintain the events happening in our school. Unconventional to the previous years, this year we have decided to extend our approach to areas outside school i.e. with other schools and communities. Another important aspect, we are aiming to explore this year is better representation of communities in our school.

This quarter we planned various activites in school. We began the quarter by coming with a constistitution and setting roles for SGA, including preseident and vice preseident. To better understand school’s situation on how we can improve the campus, we even had a meetingw with the head Dr. Kleiss and secondry principal Dr. Meechum.

Moving on, we planned various events which included the SAISA pep rally wherein we felicitated the accolades achieved by fellow SAISA members and an end of semester assembly. We also organized various fundrasing evnts, which included an ice cream bake sale. The funds collected from these fundraisers would be going to OSCARS, which we plan to organize for next year.

We also organized the end of semester assembly where we held Trivia show, recognized other service grpups , and ended the semester with the classic OSC countdown. I was given the rol of OSC mascot during he assmebly, uplifitng the spirit of the assmebly.

For future, we are now planning on organizing middle school dance for middle schoolers and oscars for highschoolers.

During my time in SGA I have developed the following learning outcomes:

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. As SGA, we planned various events as a team. We would meet every Tuesday during lunch break as a group, and share our ideas of how events can be planned more effectively. One notable example was the ice cream bake sale concept proposed by Sam and Akhil, fellow SGA members. This idea gained momentum when Olau suggested holding the bake sale on Wednesdays, making it accessible to primary school students as well. Building on this, Sam and I worked together to determine a suitable price for the ice cream, settling on Rs. 400. This finally helped us achieve a total of LKR 40000+ from the bakesale.


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