Since 2019, me and my family have made it a habit to go on jogging on to the walking path near our neighbourhood. It’s a fun activity to be doing with family. Since all of us are busy with either school or with work on week days, we’ve decided to spend our Saturday nights jogging. It’s all been going well until the Covid pandemic came. Due to all the lockdowns we temporarily stopped going out for jogging for a while. Nevertheless, there were still occasions where we went for jogging as soon as the lockdown was lifted. But in fact, stopping and continuing and then stopping again wasn’t going really well. So eventually, it was stopped for a while although thee was no lockdown. But earlier last month, we, as a family, decided that we need to start jogging again in order to have an active habit.
The jogging track is 2km long and is in loop. Most of the times, me, my brothers and my father go on two rounds to make it a total of 4km. Surprisingly, it only takes less than an hour to go two rounds. There are also workout spots within every kilometre, which we usually try out in the second round, as our initial round is merely focused on jogging. I sometimes listen to music on the way. But every other time I try to focus on my breathing and walking while enjoying the breeze.
In my opinion, night jogging is the nicest. I’ve also gone on early jogs, but they leave me exhausted for the rest of the day. It keeps me active enough for the remainder of the day, but I’d prefer not do my assignments since I’d be too preoccupied with other things, like resting.
Our family has made it a routine to return home after a jog for a night shower and a good, healthy meal. In fact, the thought of jogging is on my desire list of things to do. It’s not only enjoyable, but also energetic, and it promotes a healthy and balanced lifestyle in the most straightforward way possible. As a result, I intend to continue doing this with my family for many more years.
LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
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