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Thisathma’s CAS Goals

These two years have been a hard time for all of us; but for the better side, it has provided me an opportunity to review my life from a different perspective. Due to the lockdown in Sri Lanka, I’ve been unable to go outside and travel with my family or friends. But I have been using this time to engage in other activities that I wouldn’t have done if I was outside, as in solving puzzles with my siblings and playing card games or random board games. 

Here are some of my goals for my upcoming CAS journey as a gecko;

For Creativity, I’m making an attempt to improve my guitar-playing skills and vocals; and also to learn other instruments. In fact, I’ve been keen to learn how to play the brass drum set and the piano. I’m also looking forward to making some song covers and uploading them via Instagram. Most importantly, I need to read some good books I feel interested in, so that it’ll help improve my vocabulary as well. Moreover, I am planning to rearrange my room by doing a full painting mostly by myself (probably with the help of my parents and other supervisors) .

For my Activity, I am looking forward to having a proper daily workout to gain fitness and stay healthy. I am planning to wake early and go on morning jogs and do simple work out activities (such as push ups, squats, jumping jacks, etc.) in the evening. I’d be engaging in cycling and badminton as well. 

Lastly but not least, for Service, I have given much thought to collaborate with a certain community that provides aid for the disable. Also, to associate with a donation to provide food for the people who suffer from hunger in Sri Lanka.


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