My extra-curricular Activities inside/outside OSC

DAY 1 – CAS POST #1 (Goal Setting)


Creativity can incorporate a multitude of different activities. Off the top of my head, activities that I do that stem into creativity include : Music (playing an instrument) and photography. For the year of 2022-23, I would aim to create videos, (a minimum of 3) of my accompaniment to songs on the drums which will be uploaded to my private youtube account. For photography, I would like to try a variety of different styles such as macrophotography, storm photography and more using different cameras


(Activity): Activity is something that I have continued to do for a couple months now. I have kept going to the gym everyday for the last 2 and ½ months for 1, 1/2 hours per day and I would wish to continue this for as long as I possibly can. In order to show progress, I have a card which contains all the exercises that I do for the whole training period. My PT signs off on the card each time I complete a day. Other goals that I would want to achieve would be to try out for the SAISA basketball and football teams coming up in future quarters. 


Gecko net being a service that takes place once a week helps fill the requirements but now as co-service leader for the activity, for the year of 2022-23, we aim to create more content that focuses around our main goal of broadcasting information throughout our community. Some of the ideas include, services around school, more SAISA as covid has reduced and other activities.  We will try to achieve this by focusing more content on youtube shorts which require less time editing, which will serve our new service members well. I would also like to train the new members of the service to handle the equipment properly and in order to know if I accomplished my goal, by the end of december, they should be able to record their focus topic without any supervision, and carry out the whole editing process by the deadline.


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