The One with My New Service Group: Girls For Girls

I returned to DP2 in search of something different, prepared for change, and excited for growth. This year I joined the Girls For Girls service group, which is a service that focuses on helping female victims of sexual assault and harassment. We collaborate with Emerge Global Lanka, where the girls are placed in a shelter for about 3 months and are provided with the preparation needed to return back to society. I joined G4G knowing their initiative and their work, but I never understood the extent these service sessions every week impacted this community of victims and the members of the group. We began the semester with simple tasks such as brainstorming activities we could do and things we can do to help support them, and their preparation to return back to society. Personally, I am really interested in design-related activities, such as henna hand art, pottery, crafting, etc. Which I think is a really good fit for this type of service as the girls really like to have fun on Thursday afternoons with us and I believe that these are all activities we can all participate in.


I have been in G4G for the 4 weeks now, and we have visited one of the shelters, the girls have come to OSC twice and we have done many activities with them. The first visit I had to the shelter, the girls for very welcoming and we spent most of the time playing ice breakers. We ended the first visit with some snacks, drinks, and cake, which we provided and saw the wall the previous G4G group had painted at the center. I really enjoyed my time with the girls and thought it was a great way to meet them and begin our 3-month journey together. I was really excited to do all the activities we had brainstormed earlier after I had actually met them.


The second time we met was on September 26th, when the girls came to OSC and we played volleyball and cricket with them. It was so much fun and we could all tell that they really enjoyed it. The girls are really good at sports and team games, so we found ourselves learning new things from them too. We ended the day by making chocolate and vanilla milkshakes and eating pastries from the canteen. I thought it was a good idea to spend time playing sports with them as it’s something they don’t get a lot of chances or opportunities to do, so using the school’s facilities when they come to OSC is a good way to spend their time.


I entered G4G not having any expectations nor goals for myself or the service, but after 4 weeks of being an active member of this group, I think it’s time I set myself a few goals for the rest of this year:

  1. I hope to do another mural or wall painting at the shelter with the rest of the service group.
  2. I aim to spread more awareness about the service and issues of gender inequality and sexual assault, within and outside our school community.
  3. I hope to spend one service session doing henna hand art with the girls.
  4. I aim to start another annual event, like food and fun fair Holi fundraiser, to raise money for Emerge Global Lanka.

Each of these goals has a different personal connection to me as, like I said, I really enjoy design-related activities and artwork is one of them. Painting a second mural and doing henna hand art is something I would really like to do with the girls because it is something, I believe everyone can partake in and will enjoy. Only after I joined the service, I realized the volume this issue speaks and how it is a very taboo topic within the realms of our community and the local culture. It is definitely something that should be talked about more and taken far more seriously, which is why I have set one of my goals as spreading awareness about this issue. I still have not decided how I might want to carry this out, but it’s something I hope to do by the end of my senior year. And finally, a second big annual fundraiser would help the service be able to provide more for the girls and the cause. Once again, I still have not decided what type of fundraiser we might want to do or need, but I think I can use the fundraiser to also achieve my other goal of spreading awareness. One idea I thought of is to design and sell wristbands with a quote or statement about the issue and our service, but there is still a lot of organizing and things to consider.


I can’t wait to spend more time with the girls, get to know them better, and carry out all the activities we have planned out for them. For now, I am really excited for the rest of the year; I enjoy my service a lot and think we are off to a great start.

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