So far in Room To Read

(After all the packaging. Pic cred: Ms. Lockwood)

Room To Read has had a productive few weeks!

Room To Read’s Books N’ Cookies session during Wednesday lunchtimes has been seeing more and more visitors these past few weeks. Thus far we have been inviting individuals that have presented highly interesting presentations on their areas of interest. Last week’s Books N’ Cookies was a very special one, as we had Ms. Amalee Chandraratna invited, the principal of Vidyaloka Vidyalaya School – which RTR collaborates with.

(Meeting Ms. Amalee and her staff and students. Pic cred: Ms. Lockwood)

She shared quite a few of their school’s achievements and obstacles that they came across. I found this presentation to be quite inspiring, as Ms. Amalee’s passion for improving her school was contagious and they had persevered through many challenges when building up their school. After her presentation, with Ms. Leblanc’s campaign, we were able to donate funds toward the construction of their school library; an ongoing project that Room To Read works closely with.

Simultaneous to this, Room To Read had been planning and carrying out a fundraiser for Ekamuttu School in Hambantota. This was a preschool that was in need of money to buy stationery and uniforms, and with the help of the OSC community, we were able to raise enough money to buy these resources for the school.

(Packaging! Pic cred: Ms. Lockwood)

Hence, the Thursday service session before October break began was spent packaging these books and wrapping them up for the preschool to receive. Additionally, I made a card wishing Ekamuttu preschool all the best – which everyone in RTR signed. I believe that Room To Read has been exceedingly productive these past few weeks, and I am quite proud of how much we have accomplished in this time. I’m excited about our upcoming projects after the break!


Learning outcomes

  • LO1 – Strength & growth
    • I think that with more projects conducted, I’m able to hone my organisation and leadership skills. As a leader of Room To Read, I have to make sure that our events are carried out smoothly and successfully, this allows me to grow as a leader and member of Room To Read.
  • LO4 – Working collaboratively with others
    • There’s definitely a lot of collaboration required when carrying out these events. For example, Eleez and I have to communicate and collaborate quite a lot when creating the poster for Books N’ Cookies. 
    • Additionally, when packaging the books for Ekamuttu preschool we had work together in order to make sure that we did everything within the 1 hour service session.

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