Books N’ Cookies This Year

(Picture from the last Books N’ Cookies, Shinara’s session. Pic cred: Ms. Lockwood, Instagram: geckoreaders)

This year’s Books N’ Cookies so far

As one of the service leaders for Room To Read, I have a responsibility to make the posters for each Books N’ Cookies session. A little background information on Books N’ Cookies – it’s similar to a mini literary afternoon, in which students/ teachers/ other relatives of the OSC community give a presentation during Wednesday lunch on a topic they’re passionate about.

This is a way to connect the OSC community further, with the secondary purpose of bringing a bit more publicity to our OSC secondhand bookstore – which is another service project of Room To Read!

So far, the Books N’ Cookies sessions have been highly successful, the last one that we held (which was the first for this academic year) had a complete full house, and there had even been an overflow of audience members to the extent that some were sitting on the floor!

Moving on to my role in this, myself and Eleez have been making posters promoting upcoming Books N’ Cookies sessions that will be featured in the Daily Bulletin. I believe that this is an effective way in exercising my Creativity and Service aspects in CAS. My creativity is expressed through the sector of digital art and designing – it is quite fun to make posters that will be eye-catching for the audience.

(The last poster made during the time of writing – can be seen in the Daily Bulletin right now! Pic cred: Eleez and Thevuni)

While it is a bit of a challenge sometimes to differentiate the posters from previous ones that we have made before and to attempt to encapture what the particular Books N’ Cookies will be like – I believe that I have been able to largely improve my digital designing skills over the course of making these posters for Room To Read.


Learning outcomes:

  • LO1 – Strength & growth
    • My strengths in digital designing have definitely improved when making these posters, this was shown by my refinement of color scheme choosing and overall layout creation.
    • Furthermore, the speed at which we make these posters have certainly increased. This was made evident by the way a poster that would usually take 1 hour a few months ago now only takes about 20 minutes in total to make.
    • I look forward to improving my digital design skills in the future as well. 
  • LO4 – Working collaboratively with others
    • When making these posters, I collaborate with Eleez – my co-leader – in order to come up with these posters. There is a great deal of communication required when making these posters and agreeing on how they should look.

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