CAS Goals for DP2

(Random picture that I thought would look nice on my blog. Pic cred: The author)

Revising and rewriting my CAS goals

In this post, I will be looking at my goals for CAS and changing/ improving them from last year’s goals.

  • For Creativity, I plan on continuing to explore activities that are inclined toward art.
    • Last year I planned for digital art to be my main source of Creativity, but I believe that I could have improved this goal by expanding on it more – and including other forms of art as well.
    • This year as well, I will continue art but in a larger variety. 
    • Furthermore, I plan to connect these creative activities to service (as my service co-leader and I tend to make posters for service events such as Books n’ Cookies).
    • My overarching goal will be to improve my graphic designing skills and measure my progress through a comparison of my original art and latest art. 
    • Learning objectives: strength and growth, challenge and skills.
  •  For Activity, I still do badminton – therefore, I still want to carry this out as a form of activity for my CAS blog. However, as I also conduct strength training through aerobics and pilates more now, I want to talk about this on my blog.
    • I plan to increase my tricep strength and stamina when working out, this will be measured by my personal statistics and documenting how I improve these areas.
    • Furthermore, in badminton, I want to refine my agility – as I still find moving sideways on short notice to be challenging.
    • Learning objectives: initiative and planning, showing perseverance and commitment.
  • For Service, I plan for many engaging and exciting events to be documented in the future – as a leader of Room To Read, I plan to conduct my responsibilities as best as possible in my final year at OSC.
    • The Books N’ Cookies sessions have been a rewarding addition to our service agenda, and I think that planning these sessions and helping conduct them will be talked about here.
    • My main goal is to develop our secondhand bookstore more – with a better bookshelf and improve it so that it draws in more customers and readers.
    • Learning objectives: working collaboratively with others, global engagement.

Another interesting event this year would be the CAS project, as of right now I am not sure what I will be doing – however, I do know my project will likely take part in the Creativity or Service aspect. I look forward to expanding on this more!

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