Meet the Backstage Crew! Spring Gala 2022

(At rehearsals, setting up mics. Pic cred: Eleez)

Helping backstage at OSC’s Spring Gala 2022

This Friday, The Spring Gala took place for the first time in almost 3 years! It was a flurry of amazing music and vibrant colors, certainly an event to remember. I took part in this event by participating in the backstage crew.

This role in the Spring Gala proved to play a highly important part in pulling off the show, and the team – Stefan, Eleez, Diyath, Pep, and I – had quite a lot on their hands within a few days.

(Looking over the documents at rehearsal. Pic cred: Eleez)

We were responsible for marking where the equipment for the performances would be positioned and setting and clearing the stage of all equipment (mics/ chairs/ stands/ etc.). There were also some more technical tasks such as setting up the GTRs with the correct numbers for the guitars and making sure that the mics were turned on.

We attended rehearsals on the days preceding the actual event, in which we observed all the acts and made sure that we were efficient in setting and striking the stage.

I believe that the duties of the stage management were rather different from what I imagined this to be, as this was the first time for me (and the rest of the entire crew!).  For instance, there were a lot more papers than I thought, these outlined what the stage must look like and, thus, instructed what we should do.

(Eleez making stage set-up annotations. Pic cred: the author)

Wednesday’s rehearsal comprised of just the group performances, and these stage set-ups depended quite a lot on the mic and stand positioning. I think that our crew was able to work together quite well and divide the tasks in a way that was efficient. I also got to learn quite a lot from Mr. Marlon and Mr. Lakshitha about some behind-the-scenes information. This day was our first taste of stage management work and I must say that I think we pulled it off rather well.

Thursday was the soloist performances, and due to the last of instruments and additional performers on stage, I think that this day involved a lot less moving things around on stage.

The night of the actual was rather – very – chaotic. After arriving early to confirm the processes, we got ready to strike and set the stage. We had organized everything down to a T – YET there were still some mild mishaps (“Oh no where’s the stand”, “I’m gonna trip”, “WHERE IS THE EGG MIC”, “Buff guy is a god”).

(Ready backstage on opening night! Pic cred: the author)

Although it was rather fun to be sitting behind the curtains hearing all the performances amplified! It was quite a new experience and not something easy to describe in words. I think, overall, we managed to make sure everything went well behind the scenes. I’m quite surprised that we managed to pull it off despite all the pressure – everyone seemed rather on edge before they were due, and it was extremely satisfying to see everything be conducted smoothly.

Congrats to everyone that participated!

Learning outcomes:

  • LO1 – Strength and growth 
    • Due to this opportunity, I believe I was able to extend my knowledge of the technical aspects of performing by leaps and bounds. 
    • With the support of Mr. Lakshitha, Ms. Duncan, and Mr. Marlon. I was able to understand many different things easily (such as the GTR numberings, striking, how to adjust different types of mic stands, etc.).
    • I was definitely able to see my strength in the quick implementation of this new information, and I could note my growth in how I was able to successfully and efficiently use this in a fast-paced environment.
  • LO2 – Challenge and skills
    • I believe that the biggest challenge I experienced during rehearsals was not talking with the other stage management members while on stage – this was an important rule to upkeep. It was rather difficult to convey messages without verbal communication.
    • However, I think that this let me hone my skills in things like being responsible for carrying out my own tasks and helping others when needed.
    • The rather fast-paced environment in which we had to work in put a bit of pressure on everyone in the backstage crew. I believe that it was a very effective way to test how I worked under pressure, and to practice my skills in this.
  • LO4 – Working collaboratively with others
    • Being part of the stage management for The Spring Gala constituted a LOT of teamwork. None of the tasks would have been completed without the help of everyone else and some effective teamwork.
    • I believe that it would have been impossible to be an effective backstage crew without the successful teamwork that our team was able to pull off. We had to communicate and divide up tasks responsibly and with the support of each other.

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