Cycling in and out of Colombo
0February 19, 2021 by cascoordinator
During the First two weeks of January I had been cycling in and out of the streets of Colombo. And this was during the weekend of the Independence day and the new years. To plan this it was really easy because the only thing we had to do was say the next day we are going in the morning and just like that we set off. Usually for these cycle rides we get up in the morning at around 5.40 in the morning and liken at around six a clock we would start cycling through the streets of colombo. It is really cool and a little windy so like chances of getting of getting traffic is like really low. These activities are mainly there to keep your body fit in the morning so that you can be active throughout the entire day and be fit. It is also something I might think of doing with a group of my friends one day so that they could be active and enjoy this.
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