This program is dedicated to females ubiquitously. I joined this program to learn about various experiences women have gone through. This first meeting was a really fun and engaging experience. Speakers from different professions come to OSC/ on zoom to share the message that the path to success is not always linear and that failure can also provide important life lessons. We were able to engage with strong women to encourage thinking about our future and what lies ahead of us. This opportunity allows us to think about women’s empowerment and discuss various experiences (good and bad) in depth.
Learning outcomes observed:
5. Working collaboratively with others
LO5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively Students are able to identify, demonstrate and critically discuss the benefits and challenges of collaboration gained through CAS experiences.
6. Global engagement
LO6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance. Students are able to identify and demonstrate their understanding of global issues, make responsible decisions, and take appropriate action in response to the issue either locally, nationally, or internationally.
7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
LO7 Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions Students show awareness of the consequences of choices and actions in planning and carrying out CAS experiences.