Final CAS Project Reflection

After completing a quarter of football coaching with the middle school football team I feel that I have accomplished almost all I set out to do. Helping the other coaches with a different perspective in order to help improve the skill and footballing knowledge of the middle school team. Unfortunately they could not participate in the international schools island wide tournament due to a clash in on of the holidays. However we still played lots of games agains Stafford International and CIS (Colombo International School). I assisted the coaches in a number of games and even coached the younger team (grade 6-7) on my own for the first time coming away with a close win on penalties.

I think that the skills that I wanted to improve which are listed below were mostly accomplished as of today. These skills which I have improves will be very helpful in my future life and on my gap year. Allowing me to get coaching jobs and having an impact on the youth of football. Through my developed skills I can now make an organised session, improve my communication and collaborations with others and through coaching I have improved my knowledge of the game which has ultimately made me a better player.

Skills I will learn and improve:

  • Session Planning
  • Support and advice to improve
  • Collaboration
  • Football knowledge

The learning outcome I feel like I most focused on was “Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth” as I explored a lot of my strength and played to them such as my football knowledge and planning and organisational skills which lead me to developing these areas stronger.  However, I also had to over come challenges with my planning and adapting to change whether that was because the group was not ready for the level of drill I had planned or if they had exceeded in it causing me to have to adapt and create progressions of certain drill. I focused on this over time and it became part of my planning process.

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