Keeping Active in Lockdown

I have continued my efforts to stay fit during lockdown. Esepcially during times when the workload feels intense and I stressed, I find that being active really helps clear my mind and boost my mood. I stay active in a variety of ways; wether that be swimming, indoor workouts, walks, playing catch with my brother, dancing, yoga or bike riding, I always like to workout with others. Sometimes this is not possible so I stay active with HIIT workouts in my room, but usually I try to have a change of scenery when I am working out. One of my biggest active goals is to improve my cardio and flexibility so that I can have better overall strength and endurance for biking, running or dance. Also since I had a hamstring injury my physio therapist said that flexibility is important to prevent futrue muscle strains or sprains in sport. As mentioned in previous blogs, endorphin releasing activity is a huge priority at home which I think is great. Prior to lockdown I was going to the gym with my family, and also going to weekly dance and yoga classes, but these have not been implemented online yet so I have shifted course. I hope to continue my efforts to stay active as it helps both my physical and mental health, as well as provides a much needed break in an otherwise stagnant and lethargic daily schedule.

LO1:1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth- Students are able to see themselves as individuals with various abilities and skills, of which some are more developed than others.

I have always been active and participated in sports, but I recognise that a weaker area of mine is my cardio and flexibility which I have identified and hope to improve.

LO6: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences- Students demonstrate regular involvement and active engagement in CAS.

I have, with my family, persisted in efforts to stay active despite being on lockdown and having most activities cancelled.

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