Collecting Paper was Worth It
A few days ago, me, Stefan, Huirong, and Ms Dilini went on our adventure to the recycling centre to give them the recycling material we had to weigh and buy from us. As someone who is doing this service for the first time, this was to show me that we don’t just collect paper and go to the recycling room every Thursday, it has so much impact than others think.
The Plan Man
We first started by putting all the material we needed on the truck, there were a lot of cardboard boxes (especially pizza boxes), but we managed to put everything in. Then, the 4 of us went to the recycling centre, which wasn’t a far journey from here. It was an interesting experience to say the least. When we got there, we had to wait a while because the main guy went to the yard. But once he came back, we started to unload everything and give it to him for him to weigh. The paper went in one bag and the cardboard went to the weighing scale, which weighed a good 4kg. Finally he gave us Rs. 250 (10 rupees extra) … we had better days !
BioGas Plant = Broken
Even though we didn’t make popcorn (because the biogas plant broke), this session was still one of the best due to how active we were compared to just collecting paper and going to the recycling room to make it more organized.
no popcorn 🙁