Switching Services
Like I said in my first ever blog, I decided to switch my service to Recycling and Sustainability this year because I realized that I feel that interests me the most and will help me with ESS and Geography. I had no idea what to expect from this service, but overall, it was so worth it.
I Have No Cardboard Cutting Skills
Today was a busy day, we made recycling boxes and sent them to the classrooms that are in need for them (it did get us to be active since we were running around the school, finding classrooms that didn’t have a box), and then went to the biogas plant to put the food waste from the canteen and a bit of cow dung in, which I have to also witness during most of my classes with Mr Lockwood. After all that, we then made popcorn to end the session. We even brought salt, which made it so tasty that many people outside this service have some as well.
Recycling is VERY Cool
My opinions on my first day of this service was that it was an interesting experience to say the least (in a good way). I think this service would be really beneficial for me because like I said, it will help me a lot with ESS and Geography. I don’t know what to expect next from this service, but I know it will be lovely throughout the school year. Although, one thing I, for sure, need to improve on my cardboard cutting skills … we’ll get there soon !