Sandeep’s CAS Journey

My extra-curricular activities at OSC

The Start of the Track Season – 4/11/2023

The start of the Saisa track season had finally arrived. It seemed like I’d been looking forward to this day forĀ a year. Track is probably my favorite sport; I love everything about it. My first track season was the previous season, which began in October 2022 and lasted until October 2023. That was, without a…

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Gecko Gear Service – 16/11/2023

The OSC gecko gear service is the service group in which I am currently a member. My friends Darius and Zoe founded this small group at the start of the school year. Ms. Sue oversees and monitors our development and work. This particular service group really stood out to me at the start of the…

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Art – Creating a Collage

6/11/2023 – Creating a Collage The collage on the left was created for one of my recent art classes. I decided to start a collage since I consider myself to be an extremely creative person. As an artist, I’ve been drawing and painting small art pieces since I was a child, and it’s a skill…

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Tennis practise – 24/10/2023

After school I went to a tennis practice session with my coach after school. This workout was really tiring and difficult for me because it was a very hot and humid day. This makes it a little more difficult to play for long periods of time without interfering with my game or practice time with…

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Unity in Diversity Day 6/10/2023

6/10/2023 – United Nations Day We had our annual Unity in Diversity Day (United Nations Day_) at school last Friday. United Nations Day celebrations at schools are used to raise awareness of the various cultures and places of the world from which people come, and to educate children on how everyone can coexist peacefully. I’ve…

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Tennis practice

2/10/2023 After school, I went to the SLTA tennis club and played tennis with my coach. It was an evening session, and because it had been cloudy recently, we played under floodlights. We played for about an hour and mostly on rallies and my forehand skills. I haven’t played tennis in about a month or…

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IB Orientation 2023

I really enjoyed the IB orientation. It was a really good bonding experience for our grade, and it helped us establish stronger bonds and friendships with people we might not have spoken to otherwise. We visited the Kithulgala rain forest in Sri Lanka during the orientation. During our visit, we were hosted by Borderlands groups,…

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CAS goals

Creativity goals: My intention is to join the OSC art club in order to represent the creative component of my cas project. Ms. Eagle, our art teacher, oversees the art club, which meets after school every Tuesday. Joining the art club would be very beneficial to me, because it will allow me to set aside…

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Housing & Habitat service reflection

7/9/2023   DP1 First service reflection: During todays service wee were introduced to one another and also to the housing and habitat service program. We went over a slideshow presentation that described what we would be doing over our serve course. Some of our objectives that our service aims to achieve, is to build a…

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