4 years at OSC, went by extremely fast but it was filled with memories that changed me as a person and helped me appreciate people around me who contributed and helped me grow as an individual. It hurts to see that we will be graduating and leaving our final years of school with too much around us, the pandemic and the times of isolation that has been brought by it. The friends and memories that I have made and encounter will forever be cherished. It is hard to grasp that I will soon be graduating with my closest friends, people who I truly hold dear to, where we will be going on our own adventures and soon do great things soon.
Through this roller coaster ride, I have been able to dedicate my two years of DP with creativity, activity and service. Through the CAS program, I was able to develop personal attributes and skills that will be of use in the near future. I have been pushed out of my comfort zone through leadership roles and responsibilities that were carried by it and has developed me into a complete student and individual.
LO #1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.
LO #2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
LO #5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
Showcasing my creativity was a personal weak point, especially when It comes to performing on stage in front of a large audience. However, by pushing myself and facing my fears, I was able to perform in multiple Gala’s and play a part in choirs and do multiple solo performances. By participating in multiple Gala’s, I decreased my stage fright and learned to enjoy my time and space in the spotlight. Working with a choir has also made me realize the benefits and challenges gained when working collaboratively. Teamwork and understanding each other were essential in keeping rhythm and tone balanced on stage.
Furthermore, I was able to develop my art skills in my free time as I understand that it is a passion of mine and a skill that I have been honing since I was young. Continuing to work on it, encourages me to practice and improve upon my drawing skills. This was also important as I was able to prepare for the program of architecture, the course that I have been aiming to do in higher studies.
LO #1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.
LO #2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
LO #4: Show commitment to, and perseverance in, CAS experiences.
LO #5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
LO #7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
Throughout the DP program, I was able to participate in many afterschool activities and frequently competed and trained for SAISA. Participating in SAISA and the training done to prepare for it created many positives throughout my time in OSC. I was able to demonstrate discipline and give 100% of my effort when competing and yet still being able to show sportsmanship and respect to opponents and participants. I challenged and pushed myself to develop new skills and understand new sports that I had no experience in competing at a competitive level.
Most importantly, I was able to appreciate the effectiveness of teamwork and how it is needed to take team sports to the next level. Being the captain of the football and the vice-captain of the volleyball team, I was able to develop leadership skills and really help push my teammates to improve and perform at their very best. I was also able to develop team-building skills through the Duke of Edinborough program.
LO #3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
LO #4: Show commitment to, and perseverance in, CAS experiences.
LO #5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
LO #6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
Being a Housing and Habitat service member I was able to identify and demonstrate my understanding of global issues and that we as students were able to make a difference through responsible decision making and response to issues that were present locally. Teamwork and discussion helped our service group contribute to communities that were in need through activities such as building chair and tables which required intensive and collaborative work. Through this, service has encouraged me to contribute to communities and the environment in need. This sense of purpose to help communities is important as I have learnt to give back to society and the environment and hope to continue this in university.