Whilst COVID-19 is a relatively new virus, 2020 has forced us to confront a different kind of pandemic, one that had existed for hundreds, if not thousands of years: racism. The recent tragic and horrific death of George Floyd sparked a series of violent and non-protests throughout the United States, with the African American community […]
Month: June 2020
Learning and Growing:DP 1 Semester Reflection
The second semester of my junior year has been eventful to say the least, it started out with non stop trips to beautiful places out of Colombo and ironically ended with me being confined to the walls of my home. Despite so many obstacles and unplanned stops along the way, I believe without a shadow […]
Times of the COVID-19: Taking a Step Back
As the world came to a standstill during this global pandemic, many of us were forced to step back and revaluate our views on life. Before the pandemic we operated in a constant state of stress and panic, whether it was concerning work deadlines, exams, universities. However, the pandemic halted all of this constraining us […]
Times of the COVID-19: Finding Solace in Art
Regardless of whether it was binge-watching a Netflix series or reading the Illiad, we turned towards the arts to find some sort of solace in an otherwise bleak moment in history. I’ve always held a certain fascination and appreciation for the arts, to me, they are a testimony to the greatnesses of the human mind. […]
Jaffna Resonance: Week Without Walls
The second semester is greeted with the annual “Week Without Walls” program at our school. We get to start the new year on a trip with our schoolmates, exploring what Sri Lanka has to offer. We get a range of places to choose from, last year I attended a trip to the Highlands where I […]