Every year OSC celebrates UN Day. Everyone comes dressed in their national attire and brings food from their country. With the over 60 nationalities at our school, UN Day really shows the diversity within our community. The day starts off with the flag parade into the gym where we talk about UN Day and the ‘unity in diversity’ motto of our school.
Every UN Day we focus on a UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to raise awareness on. This years SDG was gender equality. Since I am a part of the COMUN group, we were put in charge in making presentations to raise awareness on this issue. Anargi, Rizqi and I would be presenting to grades 11 and 12, and it would be related to gender equality in violence and human trafficking. Our presentation needed to be interactive and interesting, and also filled with information to raise awareness on the issue.
One group presenting their findings (Picture Cred: Gecko Net)
We started our presentation with a game of charades to get everyone moving and to see their view on gender stereotypes. All the characters that they would be acting out were jobs that would usually be viewed by gender, such as nannies, CEO’s, politicians, etc. After this we gave information on the issue of gender violence and human trafficking. Once we gave the information we put the class into groups and told them to research and make a poster on solutions for human trafficking by different organisations, and then share it to the rest of the class.
My CAS Goal
One of my goals for CAS in creativity was “to make a successful presentation during UN day, in which this year we will present issues about gender equality to secondary students.” As explained the presentations were very successful, so I have already completed one of my goals for creativity.
Overall UN Day was a great success. Our presentations went great and everyone was involved, and I also think that this year was the best food I’ve ever had on UN Day.
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