When we first got back into the service, our main goal in every session was to prepare for the Home Run. We did this by making a video, planning the route, sourcing materials and designing posters, which is what I was assigned to do. I made several different posters with modifications trying to fit all the criteria including the starting time and location, the date, the entry fee, the name, our service name and logo and other information regarding our partners and their goal. It took about 12 different changes for the poster to be up to our supervisors standards, but ultimately, they won’t be used until next year when we really start to advertise it.
The next thing we did was continue our work with Project Uplift, where we take apart wooden palettes and use the wood to make chairs for the Janoda foundation. We managed to finish the palettes we had leftover from last year in only a few sessions, and we then began to do assembly lines with people removing nails from the wood, measuring it and cutting it.
I am happy with my work on the posters. I feel like I did a good job of making them aesthetically pleasing, eye-catching and still able to contain all the information in an easily viewed and accessible way. I also did an acceptable of taking apart palettes efficiently and without breaking many of the planks.
I don’t think I did very well in what came after taking apart the palettes. I managed to remove a lot of the nails from the wood, but I wasn’t able to do much else. Every other job had either too many people working on it for me to help, or I just didn’t know how to do it.
As we start to work again after the break, I hope to become better at measuring and/or cutting wood and I also hope to maybe improve the posters, or even design a few more as I found it very enjoyable and I know I want to learn more.
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