Reading buddies started off as a service project where we spend time with the primary kids, reading them a book of their choice. It served as a way to bridge connections between the primary and secondary, which otherwise would collaborate scarcely in day to day activities. My partner for the project is Pep, and we choose to work with the fifth graders for the project.
We started off the project with a novel called ‘Refugee’ – which they had been reading since they were covering a topic on migration. It revolved around three main characters, and three different stories staged in Nazi Germany, Cuba and Syria – all with the same skeleton of migrating due to conflict or racial targetting.
We try our best to have one 45m session per week – usually during the lunch break or whenever we have a free block. At each session, we try to cover at least 2 chapters whilst asking questions – both on the story and more general ones relating to the topic to get them to think critically. We would also help them with new vocabulary and entertain any fun topic that is occasionally brought up. One worry we had was whether the kids would like us – but after 4 sessions, I can safely say that they love us. The allotted roles are quite interesting – Pep being the general favorite, with me being the esteemed punching bag. That’s not the funny part – it’s the fact that I undertake the role perfectly that is hilarious.
After the first few sessions it was already clear to us that we would continue to spend more time with them – doing more than just reading. We spent an entire block for one session – after 45m of reading it was plainly clear that the kids were way too hyper and they really wanted some outside time with us. Since it was a free block, we did not mind having a bit of fun with them. Little did I know that ‘playing’ consisted of Benji and Andre – two of the ring leaders in the grade – rallying up the kids to bully me around helplessly.
The kids are an amazing bunch – attentive, energetic and very friendly. In a big way they make our job so much easier and enjoyable, making it more than just a mere project for us – but a new way of exchanging laughter across people on the same journey with the same hopes as us.