4/10/22- Care For Paws Bake Sale

On the 4th of October 2022, the service group I am in for school community service, Care For Paws hosted a bake sale here at OSC. Our aim for this bakesale was to raise money for our service group that is planned to be used in 2 main areas. Each memeber baked some sort of food to sell in the bake sale, from shortbread to brownies to chocolate chip cookies and in total we raised 100+ thousand rupees for our cause. The first area the money is going to be distributed is to three local people who use their own time and money to contribute to helping street animals in Colombo, out of pocket. To support them we gave them 45,000 rupees in total, 15,000 each. The rest of the money is going to a main event of care for paws that is done each year, the sterilization camp. It happens annually and it’s done in collaboration with veterenarians to sterilize street dogs and cats to prevent more contribution to the problem of street animals. The cost of the camp is estimated to be around 80,000 rupees, so with additional money we have in the bank we will be able to hold the camp. During the bake sale, we also set up an animal welfare pledge for people to sign against tourism attractions that exploit and treat animals unfairly. We set up a long roll of paper and used paint and paw-print shaped stamps for people to be able to sign the pledge in a more creative way. We collected the whole paper filled with signatires and stamps and hung it up outside the canteen for the whole school community to see. To encourage people to sign the pledge we handed out stickers to those who did. Overall, the support we recieved both in the signing of the plede and in the bake sale, we were very proud of our efforts as a grpup and were very satisfied with the results.


The pledge now hanging outside the canteen with all the signatures!

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