The Cooking Experience

When it comes to cooking, I have become infamous with my sister and mom because of the fact that I tend to mix up or confuse recipes when participating. Whether it is being unable to find the blender or confusing which frying pan to use, I have had difficulties when It comes to cooking. Because of this, I made it my goal to improve on my ability to cook and hopefully be able to do it on my own.

With DP1 being the last two years of my life within high school, I feel the need to improve my utility skills for a house (like cleaning or cooking). That being said I can’t just learn cooking on my own or else I’m going to accidentally set the house on fire. So I asked my mom, who is a very good cook, for advice when it comes to cooking. Under her mentorship, I got a notebook where I collected a list of all the different recipes I have been learning how to make. This includes quiche, omelets, chicken Curry, etc. I hope for this to be able to help me in the long run once I am on my own as it will allow me to not have to rely on others food-wise.

Here I am making so cake, however no final photos are shown due to it being eaten)

Although my first experience cooking was not very successful due to my lack of knowledge on the subject, I have begun to improve quite a lot when it comes to efficiency. The more I practice making the dish I find myself improving more and more. Hopefully, by the end of the year, I wish to be able to cook large assortments of dishes


ThisĀ  post highlights the Learning Outcome 2 (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process).

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