A few weeks after Week Without Walls, we had an exhibition where every group presents their experiences and shares videos, photos and journals of the trip. In our group, we worked during the advisory lessons of the previous weeks to edit the photos we took on the trip, which was mainly framing them and changing saturation, brightness, contrast, etc. Each student chose a handful of pictures which were then printed on A4 and A3 glossy paper.
Mr Lockwood put me in charge of hanging up the pictures, so me and some classmates came to the exhibition space earlier to examine how we could hang up the photos. We had three white boards that had a hinge in the middle, allowing them to be bent. We wanted to create a space that would be interesting to look at while still being functional and using the light that came into the room from one side. We put up the boards in a kind of zig-zag manner, while the middle board facing the audience directly. This was done to put the large picture of OSC that was taken with a long exposure at night in Horton Plains NP. There were tables in front of the boards on which we displayed the journals we had with us on the trip, as well as books from the library on the highlands and their fauna and flora.
The boards were divided into human, landscape, animal and more artistic and close-up photos, so that viewers could see a connecting theme when looking at one board. During the exhibition we had shifts during which two people were always present at our spot to summarize our trip and guide viewers through the photos taken by the students. As this was our last Week Without Walls, I wanted to make the best out of the trip and I think the final exhibition showed this through the photos that we took of what we saw, and especially group photos showing how much fun I had together with my classmates.