I’ve been to Chitra Lane before. As a client though – my former doctor used to (still does I think) work/volunteer there so it was sometimes easier for her to take an appointment there, rather than a hospital. And considering it’s a non-profit, whatever extra cost is added on goes to a worthy cause rather than to a private business – so I didn’t have a problem with it either. But that was a long time ago and returning as an intern rather than well, a client (I’m going to keep using that word even though it has weird connotations because I can’t think of a better one).
This is bound to be an interesting experience so I’m going to be keeping a log here. I’m not necessarily going to write a play-by-play of every single day but I’ll try to record any significant days.
Log 1
So today was fun! A good start to my internship – I had two art sessions today and the kid I was assigned to was great (mostly)! We worked on completing a arts and crafts tree design thing that seemed awesome in my head but turned out uh, less awesome but she seemed to have fun and despite messiness (oh glue, how I hate you) it went alright! That’s all that matters. Working with kids who can unintentionally be a bit unpredictable and having stuff accidentally topple over (especially considering this was in the ART room) was certainly hard on someone who’s a bit uh,
So this is the photo I managed to take before uh, I was no longer able to. That’s on me. Taking a phone out in a room with 4 kids who may not be the best at understanding boundaries (I wasn’t/am not the best at it either so I’m not too annoyed) and are essentially tech-starved may not be a good idea, future Lehan. And then I had to fend people off my phone at random occasions during the class so that’s to say that I’m not going to bringing my phone there anymore. Photographic evidence is going to be sporadic and rare (sorry, Mr Lockwood!).
That was what we were trying to paint green and paste into a tree. Sorry for the blurriness – this was uh, mid-incident.
Log 2
Today was intense. In a good way but also in a bad.
So today was generally laid-back. In IT, I did a thing with R which was basically me inserting a table into word and him copying the numbers from the calendar onto it (with me also doing my best to keep him focused) and it was really good! I high-fived him at the end which is entirely character development on my part, I hated high fives a couple of months ago but I’m now growing partial to them. Art was alright too. The bad part was how after Art, I got lost (darn my non-existent sense of direction), ended up at a pool and then got progressively worked up and a teacher mistook me for a student which brought up tons of insecurities for me because well, it’s a school for primarily severely disabled kids. And the worst part was at that time I was too worked up to talk so I dunno, not the best day. Optimism activate!!!
Final thoughts –