Considering the fact that university application deadlines are fast approaching and its time for us to figure out where we want our futures to take us, I have been exploring new skills that can align with courses I hope to take. I specifically have decided to apply to architecture courses around the UK as visual art and model-making is something that truly appeals to me. With that in mind, I decided to ask my dad for help in experimenting with the computer software, ‘AutoCAD’. Asking my dad for help was important to me as I want him to be involved in this key point in my life (and the way his face lit up when I asked for advise was really reassuring!).
Essentially, AutoCAD is a computer-aided design software which allows users to draw and edit digital 2D and 3D designs more quickly and easily than you could by hand. It is commonly used in fields like interior design or architecture.
Working with my dad strengthened my collaboration skills as he is extremely experienced with the software, making my learning more comprehensive. I was given different guidelines to achieve certain shapes and forms, considering how the positioning of elements alters perspectives – similar to the elements and principles used within my visual arts course. My dad also introduced the software, ‘Revit’ to me which focuses more on 3D/digital interior design – which is something I also hope to pursue in future. I modelled my apartment as well as the furnishings, which was a really in-depth and insightful process (LO5).
Experimenting with this software challenged me, yet was ultimately fulfilling. I found it difficult to create each element of my models to be proportionate. The measurement were sometimes difficult, especially when transferring a 2D form to 3D. In order to refine this aspect of Autocad, and enhance my own personal understanding, I watched videos on youtube as well as asked my dad for feedback. I find using Autocad will be valuable to my future endeavours, specifically in the architectural career path I wish to take.
In order to further challenge myself in this process, as well as consider the nature of future design courses I hope to take in university, I decided to experiment with more creative forms. I attempted to take basic 2D shapes (like flowers for example) and modify them to be 3D, appearing as more abstracted buildings or sculptures. I perhaps even see myself taking these skills and adapting them into other IB courses, such as HL Visual Arts, as it will help me extend my artistic abilities and communicate conceptual ideas in new, unique ways.