H&H and Eco-Schools:

Ever since we re-joined service, Housing, and Habitat, we have been planning and working on certain projects that would allow us to be more hands-on and impactful as a service group. Before exploiting these projects, we were approached by the service group Eco-Schools to work with a few other service groups on small but important projects. For example, one of them is to attend to the biogas plant, making sure it is regularly fed. Since we have a food waste bucket in the canteen, we have to take it to the biogas plant at the end of every lunch in order to feed it for the production of gas. By doing this, we are also promoting the prevention of food waste.

To be as efficient as possible, we have created a table that states which service group has to take the bucket out to the biogas plant. On October 17, it was H&H turn to empty the bucket out. As the service leader, I and another service leader member took the initiative to take it to the biogas plant. In doing so, we had to empty a few plates of leftover food into the bucket. In addition, we then emptied the bucket into the biogas plant and washed it all down with water.

Emptying leftover food into the bucket (Credit: Lucca)

Another responsibility that comes with the leadership of the service group is to attend one meeting per week with Eco-Schools and a few other service groups. So far, I and the other service leaders have gone to two meetings. During these meetings, we discuss ways in which how we can make the school more eco-friendly and how each service group can take part to reach that goal.

Learning outcomes:

LO6: With these meetings and emptying of leftover food, we as a service group are demonstrating an engagement with issues of global significance as we are trying to make the entire school as eco-friendly as possible.


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