CAS Goals (Let senior year be the best one)

This year I will be writing goals for myself so I can better complete my aspirations. They are centered around my personal interests only. I will make it short and sweet. They are the following:

For Creativity: Publish music or create and finalize songs I have been meaning to perform, choreograph a dance for an outdoor show, complete my CAS Project, create a spontaneous personal art piece (just to try it out), learn how to play ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ on the drums, publish my writing (can be anything), read books, write creatively in Spanish.

For Activity: I am going to try to participate in a Latin Dance Competition, keep active at the GYM, compete in all three International SAISA competitions – volleyball, basketball, football, teach gymnastics, teach myself how to do a muscle up, travel a few times in Sri Lanka with my family.

For Service: I want to volunteer for an organization called the Child Protection Authority (If that one doesn’t work there are other options) continue leading Housing and Habitat service group, and keep babysitting my close family friend (Gillian) and other Embassy kids when I can.