Teaching Kids How to Latin Dance- My CAS Project

Through teaching students in my school Latin dance, I helped expose them to a sport and activity that they might not have had the ability to participate in before. I taught them new skills and built a comfortable space for experimentation and confidence. Dance is about exploring the body and mind as well as growing connections. I tried to send this message to my students through our practices together. It was amazing to watch the 7 kids I taught improve their skills and mindset about dancing in front of people. It was hard at times as dancing takes confidence and a curious mind but I am extremely proud of the progress that was made.

As for achieving my own personal goals, I got better at my initiative and planning skills through planning the class as well as better my commitment and perseverance by sticking with it. I also developed my collaborative skills through the relationshipsI had with my students. The experience grew me as a person and I hope it taught my students something about themselves as well.


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