As one of our service goals, we want to better adapt them into society, help them with their social skills and learn to bond with others. The service members and I went on a trip to the RCCI center, as we were invited to help create artworks for their upcoming art exhibition. This was a huge milestone for our service because it was the first time we went to visit the RCCI center this school year, we were so glad to bring all the new members and show them what the center looked like.
As we arrived, we saw black pages placed on the tables as they welcomed us. We split into three groups and started working on our artworks. The service members would help the RCCI kids with pouring paint, putting paint onto the brush and smearing it onto the canvas. We didn’t really plan what kind of artworks we wanted to do, therefore we just let the RCCI kids add colors and the RCCI members helped by adding onto the colors and designs.
We made sure that we focused on what they wanted to do, so that we wouldn’t make them feel as though they couldn’t explore their own ideas. Group work turned into a fun activity for both RCCI members and students to collaborate, share ideas and have fun! As a leader, I learnt a lot in terms of how they communicate with us; it was mostly physical as it was their only way to speak to us due to language barriers. This was before corona, where we were able to direct them using our hands. Our plan going into this art session was to show them their own creative sides, and work collaboratively to create beautiful and memorable pieces.
Overall, this art session was extremely successful; everyone had fun and we were able to turn these artworks into exhibition works that were to be displayed in their RCCI center.