Activity 2021

Over the course of this year so far I have been significantly more active than I have for a while. Last time I made a post addressing activity I felt that I was heading down the right path. Reflecting on it now I’m happy with the progress that I’ve been able to make within that […]

Service 2021

Doing service through DLP was perhaps one of the biggest challenges we faced, in particular housing and habitat due to the fact that most of the service activities and task were dependent on hands on activity. As a result most of our time during service lessons were dedicated to finding activities or programs that we […]

Music Production Update!

Continuing with my creativity task from last year, I’ve learned a lot more on the process of how to make music. Over that period of time I’ve been able to learn a lot more techniques about music production, the most note able technique that I’ve learned in my opinion is how to sample other songs. […]


Introduction During DLP our economics class decided to do something to help those most effected by the covid-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka. We came to the decision to host a fundraiser however given the situation around us doing it face to face wouldn’t be possible. Furthermore, we wanted to host an event that revolved around […]

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