At OSC, students in grades six and above are expected to participate in service, where they’re able to not only launch numerous initiatives but also acquire leadership abilities. At the start of the year, I decided to join “Gecko Gear,” a newly formed service group whose primary objectives are to create OSC designs and merchandise then to use the profits from these sales to support “kids on campus”. Kids on campus are students from the surrounding community who visit OSC on Thursday afternoons as part of OSC’s service programs to gain various abilities such as swimming and English writing/reading. The reason for why I have joined this service group is because I wanted to work collaboratively/share perspectives/ideas with my peers and to expand my creativity. One aspect that is going well is that we are meeting a lot of our deadlines on time that we set for our goals.
This keeps us on track to have merchandise for SAISAs (South Asian Interscholastic Association) as well as merchandise for our peers and teachers. One of my major contributions to the service group was creating the warmup shirts for both volleyball teams (2023). These shirts were dedicated to the female and male volleyball players during their early morning practices before games in order for them to feel unified as a team as well as to keep them prepared and warm to prevent any sore muscles or sprains during their game. One of my most favourite highlights is working with the team because of how we are all supportive of each other and we make sure to pitch in all of our ideas in order to draw a conclusion (come up with a final product that we all like). Our recent goals have been to get to know the kids on campus that we are supporting by splitting our group into several teams of two in which we join various service groups to learn about their goals and the achievements of the Kids on campus. Other goals included to continue to work towards our big clothing drive and to start designing the sports kit for SAISA football, track & field and basketball; as well as more gecko merch for students to purchase to support our SAISA teams.
Our service group instagram –> OSC Gecko Gear