As we are all aware, the world is suffering from a pandemic due to the Covid-19 virus. Ever since the virus has affected Sri Lanka and our school was shut down, I, alongside most of the island, have been at home quarantined. Being at home for weeks on end and not knowing when this is going to end is unsettling, but the way I see it it’s also an opportunity to grow not only as a person but to create stronger bonds with your family. I have done both of those while staying active.

As part of my ‘activity’ sector for CAS, I have been doing at-home workouts, cardio in my garden and most consistently I have been swimming in my pool and playing ball games with my brother. Despite the cardio and workouts that I’ve been doing, I make it my goal to, at least once every day, jump in my pool, get a couple of laps in and play a game that involves a lot of swimming and in-water cardio.

What a typical day for me in quarantine looks like, activity-wise is in the morning I like to get in a 20-25 minute HIIT workout to get the day started. After that, I like to jump in the pool, get a couple of laps in (breaststroke and free), and then get on to my online school day. After the school day is finished I jump in the pool once again and get more laps in (usually about 35-40) and then I play games like water polo or basketball in the water (we have a hoop attached to the wall of the pool).

This has helped me stay active throughout my days as home while having fun at the same time. I like playing games as my form of exercise since it allows me to spend time with my family while also ‘burning calories’. I plan on continuing these forms of exercises for as long as this quarantine lasts, and I also plan on making additions to my active plans to switch it up every now and then.


  1. Hi Giulia,
    I love the title of this post and think that this has good potential to reflect on your very different daily routine. You Action/Activity seems sorted out. Are you able to address the other two strands of CAS? When you get a chance try to make those links with the learning outcomes that I had highlighted in my last message. You can find it here:

    Keep up the good effort,
    Mr. Lockwood

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