CAS Goals – DP1

For my Creativity goal, I aim to practice playing the guitar and increase my skills with instruments. I feel this is important to do because having skills within an instrument can increase your dexterity as well as creative skills. In addition, when you perform and demonstrate your skills to others it contributes significantly to your confidence. Another aspect I enjoy about music is that it is an activity that you can do alongside others, by playing together. This can help with learning how to work collaboratively with others and helps you increase your skills by challenging you in the sense that two musicians playing together have to keep a consistent and similar rhythm.

For my Activity goal, I wish to improve my health and physical condition through spending more time in the sun as well as walking/going on jogs more frequently. By participating in physical activity more often, I can contribute to the learning goal of physically challenging myself and gaining new skills. A healthy body that dedicates time to physically exercising and completing mindfulness activities after contributes to an increase peace of mind. Once stress has been drained out of the mind, it is much easier to tackle the challenges presented by life.

For my Service goal, I am joining eco schools to contribute to the local community. I feel that awareness in regards to the environment is fundamental in today’s world, and that it is definitely a global issue. Its impact is felt all over the world, and we are all indirectly contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. With the relevant knowledge and effort, the burdens of this issue will become less intense. I think participating in a service will satisfy the learning outcome of global engagement as well as working collaboratively. Developing both these skills is essential in a world under constant change.

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