In my french class, we have been asked to address the three CAS objectives in one way or another. I had brainstormed many of the different ways I could possibly hit the different bands. I had a realisation that Ms Fert usually has lots of posters around her room regarding the units that we are leaning/ have learnt. She was also asking us to create posters in regards to the unit we were learning so that it would help us get a better grasp of it. Anargi and I both decided to embark on the project of creating a poster for our unit “experiences” and in particular making a poster for our unit “Le Bizutage” which means to haze or harass.
Le Bizutage est un rite de passage pour nouvelle etuidents dans l’university. C’est un rituel terrible parce que ça humillie les participants. – Hazing is a right of passage for new students coming into university. It is a terrible ritual becasue it humiliates the participants.
You can see what happens in particular during this ritual under “Le Bizutage rite d’intergration?” in the poster.
We began the process of creating the poster by planning it out in our notebooks first. We sketched out our plan and the information we would decide to include such as a basic definition of what ‘le bizutage’ is, examples of other rituals (such as a graduation party), examples of what happens when first-year students are harrassed, some french vocabulary, and some general information. This poster would prove to be incredibly helpful when it comes to our orals as it includes statistic of when hazing was banned and vocabulary that we could use to show our understanding.
After the planning process, we decided to brows canva for possible templates for our poster (as we weren’t creative enough to think of one on our own). We used a science fair poster as our template and looked at our plan to see where everything would go. We obviously had to make some changes because we wanted to add images to make the poster look more interesting. After we had completed creating the poster the last step was to show it to Madam Fert. It took us a couple of classes to work out the grammatical issues and fix up some of the writing but then we were off to print!
Creating this poster really allowed me to accidentally learn the subject very well as we were doing research on what would happen during the rituals and translate them into french. It developed my french skills as I would attempt to figure out how to say phrases in french without using some sort of translater (hence why there were so many issues). This activity really ended up benefitting my French learning and exercised my creativity.
Here is the poster: