The Book is About to Close

As the year comes to it’s close, the yearbook crew has a lot more to do. Finishing off those pages before the deadline, where we send off the final version of the yearbook to print and have ready for students to purchase.

The thing that put a lot of pressure for me was the fact that I had to do over 20 pages of all the events we had pictures of this year. When I walked in to yearbook club on Monday I slouched a bit and Ms Lockwood asked me what was up. I told her about the amount of pages I had left to do and she said that she and Ms Gayani would help me. I couldn’t be more grateful for that.

We split up the events between us, Ms Lockwood focused on library events and the room-to-read service events as well as some events I took part in as I was present during them and didn’t want to create a bias in the pictures presented.

The session went by quickly with me finishing the OSCars pages.

Figure 1; a small teaser for the oscars page (Photo Credit: Eloise Golding)

I came back the next day during my lunch and free block right after to grind through the events. I completed the Galas and perfected the Sinhala-Tamil new year page. I’m proud of myself for showing the bast amount of traditions we have in Sri Lanka during festivities in this page and think that the wide array of colours displayed the bright nature of our school. I did my best to make sure the pictures didn’t stretch and succeeded because I know that that would cause many people to feel self aware as they can see that there is something wrong about the image but can’t pinpoint it, leaving them feeling insecure which is something I have experienced. I would say that I was 100% successful.

To achieve this I created boxes and then placed the pictures, fitting them content proportionally.

Figure 2; how to fit content proportionally to box size (Photo Credit: Webucator)


Featured Image Credit: Eloise Golding

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