One thought on “The Final CAS Post (Time for My Next Adventure)

  1. Dear Eloise,

    Thanks for sharing this final post looking back at your experience in OSC’s Creativity Activity & Service (CAS) program. You have had such a varied, rich experience during the last two year and your posts do a great job with recording your challenges and successes. I’m proud of your broad-based engagement and impressed by the record-breaking number of reflections that you have produced during this time. The Eco-School journey and certification was a major milestone for you and the community during your time in the DP. Sticking with the Duke of Edinburgh International Award program to complete the Silver Award was also a groundbreaking accomplishment. I trust that you will stay engaged in many of these pursuits and service experiences as you move into your tertiary educational adventure. I want to wish you all the best.


    Ian Lockwood
    OSC DP CAS Coordinator

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