Recently, I had a TED talk. It feels surreal to say that. A while ago during the week without walls presentations, Mr Antoney approached me and asked me if I was willing to give a talk about the environment since he saw how passionate I was about it.
I went home that day and contemplated what I should talk about. I had already given so many speeches in assemblies about Eco-Schools, that I felt that talking about this would be repetitive. So, I decided to focus on the larger picture. How our attitude towards caring for the environment is our downfall.
I spent many hours making my notes, and practicing out loud to ensure that my pacing was right and I wasn’t rushing. It was harder than I thought and I had to really persevere because I only had a week left. I found Mr Antoney during breaks and lunches to run it over with him and he gave me feedback on what to say and how to phrase it, as well as helping me with my pacing.
Since this is an official TEDx event, it was very professional and I had to be mindful of everything I was saying as this could be broadcasted to a wider audience than just our school.
It wasn’t all smooth sailing. The slides I had sent in to talk to didn’t project. I only realized this when I was talking so became very stressed within 5 seconds of starting. But I didn’t give up. I slid the clicker into my pocket and kept speaking to the audience. I didn’t really need the slides anyways, they were only images but would have aided in audience retention if they were there. Overall I am very happy with this experience and can’t wait to do it again next year.
I do have to thank Dharani for giving me the most amazing introduction which really sparked my confidence as I watched her backstage.
My video has been uploaded to the TEDx youtube account! It’s insane to me how many views it has already, with them having reached over 500 since it was published. To think that TEDx saw my talk, watched it, deemed it good and posted it onto their official youtube account with millions of subscribers is a major accomplishment. I received many comments of congratulations from all my friends and peers. If this had taught me anything its that I should have more confidence in myself and my capabilities.
Featured Image Credit: OSC Events Youtube Page